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  • Malibu College Student - Not for gay useI am a gay man who purchased these pens for my boyfriend of 6 years. He absolutely loved them and used them everyday to write down his gay agenda. To my horror, after six months of heavy use, he turned into a woman. At first, I was heartbroken. The love of my life was no longer attractive to me, but eventually I came around. Turns out, now we can legally get married! Thanks Bic for Women!!
  • Janey - It can really grow the hairMy mom has front up baldness, I bought for her many times. It really works for her. Some weak and thin hair grow up from her scalp, and the hair dies easily,but better than nothing. It took about 4 months to disappear the baldness. And then she was satisfied and stop using for more than a year. Now the baldness started again, she tried to use again, but it didn't work out. She then went to see the doctor, the doctor gave her a medicine shampoo. She needs to wash everyday by the medicine shampoo, massage, and then apply Rogaine. Now it grows up again. The doctor said this week would be only wash twice a day. This product really works, just you need to have patience and have expectation that you need to use for a lifetime.
  • The One and Only "MAtt" - my favorite from Pink FloydThe Wall has so many great songs its just amazing. The only downfall is the price..WAL MART sells it for $36, crazyness, i bought the live version for only 15, but it isnt as good. The Wall is a must have tho.

    John Beam, you dont know how stupid you sound saying classic rock is bad, if classic rock never exsisted..the musix you like wouldnt be anything without those influences, get out of the MTV world man.
  • Brian T Watford - An Incredible Read - for both Male and Female AudiencesTerrance J's "The Wealth of My Mother's Wisdom: The Lessons That Made My Life Rich" is a truly inspirational story - for both male and female audiences of all ages. The story inspired me, specifically, because Terrance and I share similar interests and upbringings: radio and broadcasting, a close mother-son relationship, and growing up in rural eastern North Carolina.

    I recall hearing a young Terrance J, "The Youngest In Charge" as he broadcast on the radio, weekends on Soul 92 Jams in Rocky Mount. Thereafter, I've watched his career blossom tremendously. This book links many of the events and relationships that have ultimately allowed him to reach his current level of success. The common denominator in it all is his ability to tap into and count on the wisdom and support of his mother. Her words of wisdom and his lessons learned, as demonstrated in this book, should serve as inspiration to many. Keep up the good work, Terrance.
  • Antro_Savior - Banana Slicer Creates Pygmy PeaceThere is a small tribe in the heart of the Klungowomi Jungle in Africa. This place is a modern day lost world. The jungle has multiple pygmy tribes living throughout it who are constantly at war. They carry miniature spears to fight with and there has been unrest between the tribes for as long as their histories have recorded. The central cause of the brutal violence stems from a banana dispute. Bananas are the only type of food in the region. Pygmies only need a small amount of food but because they cannot cut the bananas, the tribes must fight for the resources. I am an anthropologist. For my PH.D dissertation, I traveled to the Klungowomi to live with and study the pygmies. My wife bought me the Hutzler 571 when she heard I was traveling to this banana-rich region so that I could slice my bananas. When I first arrived, the pygmies were terrified of me because of my size. However, when I pulled out my Hutzler, an incredible awe fell over the tribe. The mini-chief of the tribe said something in his native tongue which roughly translates to "Our savior has arrived!" All the pygmies bowed down to me after that (think of C-3PO and the Ewoks in Star Wars Episode VI). I accepted their worship and then blessed them with the banana slicer. As soon as the chief received the banana slicer, he gave it to his fiercest little warrior who ran off into the jungle. Hours later, the warrior pygmy came back with another pygmy who appeared to be the chief of a rival tribe. After much talk, the two chiefs grabbed each others hair and pulled a large chunk out. Later, I found out that this is the symbol for a pygmy peace treaty. As word of the banana slicer traveled through pygmy land, more and more hair was pulled. By the end of the ordeal, most of the chiefs had no hair remaining. There was now a way for each pygmy to get exactly his fill of banana; no more, no less. Statues of me were erected in each pygmy town and to this day, I am still the pygmy savior. I am so glad my wife purchased me the Hutzler 571 Banana Slicer!!