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Country: Europe, DE, Germany

  • Jenny63 - Love these plates!I love these plates! I am brand new to stamping. I also ordered the Konad double stamper, which works great. I watched several you tube videos, and was able to pick it up right away. Only certain nail polishes will work (opaque ones). I have done a mani using the owls and a paisley-type design. They turned out great. I would recommend watching you tube tutorials first and googling which polishes will work, or ordering special stamping polishes. There are so many cute desins, I will be experimenting for a long time
  • "kasei2" - This diet gave me back my healthI should have written this review years ago, but I guess it's not too late. Here's my experience:
    After months of suffering GI problems, I was finally diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis in the fall of 1996. The specialist wanted to put me on a couple of pharmaceuticals, but I wasn't interested in taking such toxic drugs, so I declined the pills but agreed to use Cortenema. But my condition continued to worsen and I developed other strange symptoms. Researching on the internet, I found out about several alternative treatments and some recommended books. I bought three books including "Breaking the Vicious Cycle." In the end, I decided to go with the Specific Carbohydrate Diet and started on it in early December of 1996. When I started, I weighed 90 lbs., was extremely weak and could barely get out of bed. Amazingly, after only about three days on the diet, most of my major symptoms disappeared, and the rest went away within two to three weeks. In short, the SCD pulled me back from pain, suffering, a state of wasting away, and feeling that I was just slowly dying.I lost some more weight at the beginning of the diet, but I continued to stick to the diet, and as my GI tract slowly healed, I began to gain back the weight and energy. By May 1997 I was back all the way. During follow ups, my doctor was surprised that I was doing so well without any medication, but he wasn't interested in hearing about the diet I was following <sigh>. Today, years since I first started, I look and feel just fine. The only times that I've had a relapse is when I have "cheated" by ingesting something that is forbidden on the diet. I have learned much in all these years and been in contact with others on this diet. It works, as long as it is followed to the letter. And contrary to what some reviewers have written here, this diet is not about what you should eat, but about *what not to eat* in order to get well. There's plenty of choice for all types of foods, for a well balanced and healthy diet. I have given this book five stars just because the SCD diet is such a life-saver. But I have to be honest -- as far as books go, this one could have used a good editor to help with the writing style and organization of the book. And the recipes in the book are not quite ready for primetime (thank goodness for all the SCD websites and support groups on the net!). These are minor quibbles, but such things bother me. Other than that, I recommend this book and the diet to everyone who suffers from any type of digestive disorder. You have nothing to lose -- you can even read the book at the library.
  • C. D. Fredrickson "Lifestyling" - Great little vacuumI am pleasantly surprised at how well this vacuum works. I had my doubts that something this light could be truly effective. But, it works great on both carpet and hard wood floors. It is so easy with the two settings on the power switch to switch from carpet to flooring. It is also very easy to empty the dirt cup. It is small, so you do have to empty it fairly frequently. But, you just pop that part of the unit off and push another little lever to empty the cup. So much easier than my last bagless, which involved dumping the dirt and then banging on the filter to get the gunk out out of it. This is much quicker and you don't end up in a dust cloud. The pet hair attachement works very well, too. I have two cats who love to sleep on the sofa and the hair comes off quickly and easily with the attachment. I highly recommend this vacuum.
  • Scott C. Smith - This book saved my family's life!The year was 1996. My family (well, my new family) and I were paddling along the mighty Columbia River, each of us in an inner-tube, when we floated into the shipping lane, where mighty commercial vessels weighted with products arrived in Portland. I had been prepared for this very scenario, though, as had my (new) family. For, lo and behold, several hundred yards away, but in a seeming direct line towards us, was a ship! Yes, a huge ship. Noting the ship, I reached for the whistle I had brought along and blew it, signaling to everyone to get out of the way! We'd have at most 45 minutes to paddle to safety. Which we did, unlike my previous family. So, THANK YOU Captain Trimmer for preventing yet another nautical disaster.