
Acne | Acne treatments | Dermatologist | Acne Scars | Acne Skin Care | Acne Medication | Therapy - The All About Acne team are a group of health and medical experts who have an interest in the management of acne. They include several dermatologists, a psychiatrist, a pharmacist and a cosmetic medical practitioner. These people donate their time and expertise in order to provide the most up-to-date, practical and relevant information on acne-related matters. All dermatologists on the All About Acne team are Fellows of the Australasian College of Dermatologists

Country: Oceania, AU, Australia

City: Sydney, New South Wales

  • Laney - The perfect regimenI love the "regimen!" I've had mild yet very stubborn acne since I was about 12 years old and have tried so many different things. Most products, like proactiv, worked for a couple of months and then my acne would return. I went on accutane which cleared my skin up for a while but had some pretty bad side affects and my acne eventually came back. I finally found the regimen about 2 years ago and it works wonders. My skin is clear, not dry, and not oily. After I finished my first set of the regimen I figured I could just get drugstore brands of salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide and a regular moisturizer but it didn't work half as well. It wasn't even that much cheaper to go with the drugstore stuff (which left my skin dry and broken out) so after 2 days I ordered another set of the regimen. I love the simple packaging and how affordable it is, too! The big bottles of the moisturizer and treatment last forever so it's a great investment.
    I highly recommend this regimen to anyone struggling with acne!
  • Diane Morris - It works!I am on day 12 and have lost 13 pounds. Using food, I am eating a lot! No pills shakes or constant workouts
  • Lori Anderson "I devour books." - An excellent continuation of a fabulous seriesAlthough this was not my favorite of the first three Outlander books, that's kind of like me saying I prefer Lindt chocolate over Godiva chocolate -- they're all yummy!

    "Voyager" was a little hard for me to wrap my mind around at first, as it took me a while to get used to a 20-years-older Jamie, but that hurdle was quickly passed as I got caught up in the book with it's interesting twists and turns.

    This series is one of my all-time favorites!