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  • H. Stevens - A Decent AntivirusI downloaded this antivirus because I was having trouble with Kaspersky. I kept getting killer viruses despite running Kaspersky, so I decided to ditch it and try Norton.

    So far, I am positively impressed. My previous antivirus was always interfering with the operation of my computer, while my Norton antivirus ticks along in the background without demanding attention. One computer that I put it on was ailing with an unknown virus, and simply installing Norton fixed the problem on the spot. I did not find it difficult to work my way through the settings, and set this product up the way I wanted.

    One setting that I paid a lot of attention to was the Quiet Mode setting under the General tab in the settings menu. Quiet mode prevents the antivirus from interfering with sensitive tasks such as burning discs. Since I process movies on my computer, I have quite a few programs that need such protection, starting with Nero.

    This antivirus has anti-spyware included, and I feel that this is all I need for my computer, as opposed to the Internet Security Suite, or Norton 360. I do not feel that I need many features of the Security Suite, such as childproofing features, etc. And I definitely do not want to turn my whole computer over to Norton as I would with Norton 360. However, I do need a firewall that is better than the Windows firewall, and I have chosen to use Comodo free firewall at this time. I initially chose Comodo because ZoneAlarm was not compatible with Kaspersky, and I may go back to ZoneAlarm because Comodo is constantly interfering with the actions of my computer.

    One feature of the Norton antivirus that really irks me is its constant invitations to save passwords to the websites that I visit. I do not want to store my passwords with Norton, and I cannot find any way to turn off this feature. I use LastPass for my passwords and form filling because it is very secure, compatible with many browsers, and stores my information off my computer so that if I were to change my antivirus or reinstall my operating system, all my passwords and form filling information would still be there. Another feature of LastPass that I like is that it effectively protects my computer from keyloggers. Keyloggers can pick up your sensitive information by monitoring which keys you press on your keyboard, and alas, they are ubiquitous. You can enter your credit cards on LastPass once, and then you never have to type them again. Check out LastPass for yourself. This is a handy, secure, and free service that I would highly recommend to anyone.

    I have one suggestion to those of you who choose to download this antivirus, and that is to save your downloaded setup file to a CD or external hard drive. If you are using Internet Explorer, when it asks whether to save or run the file, be sure to click Save. The file will probably be deposited in your Downloads Folder, which you access by clicking the Start button, then clicking on your name at the top of the list. When you download Norton, the first thing you get is a download assistant, which you do not need to save. You double-click the download assistant, and it downloads the actual Norton antivirus setup program. When you double-click the antivirus setup program, then it installs Norton on your computer. It is this antivirus setup program that you need to save, because it will come in handy if you need to put it on three or more computers, and also will be vital to have in the future in the case of computer failure. While you are at it, open Notepad, and put your Norton key there and save it to the same place where you save your Norton antivirus setup program. That way, you can simply copy and paste your key into the program when you reinstall it.

    I know that all this sounds like mumbo-jumbo to the computer illiterate, and for that I apologize. However, if you do not know what the previous paragraph means, it is worth it to resort to your computer guru to get this done. If you have never burned a CD before, download the free program CD Burner XP. This will be all you need for this job.
  • Daniel B - The fault, dear Brutus, lies not in the stars but in ourselves.I was thunderstruck when it said “great for cereal.” Having been diagnosed with road rage, my doctor recommended I add banana and oatmeal to my diet to keep me calm. I eat a lot of oatmeal at work and having sliced bananas in my bowl is a must. Growing tired of using the plastic knives they give us in the lunchroom that don’t cut decently, I resorted to chopping up my banana by hand. The result was catastrophic. Imagine having mashed banana all over your hands while typing out a lawsuit deadline. The look on my keyboard would make anyone with a soul want to vomit. I really NEEDED my 11am bowl of oatmeal with banana or my road rage disease would morph me into Dr. Jekyll. But my hands would be covered in mashed banana. What might my co-workers think seeing my hands and keyboard? Will they judge me? Will we still be friends after my breakfast is all over? They probably wish I did not eat oatmeal, or even exist at all. Then I tried the banana slicer and my life immediately became doubleplusgood. It cuts the banana into equal sizes without the mushy hands. Many questions came rushing through my mind regarding human ingenuity. Although many evils in this world have been made by man, such as the atom bomb, there is also much good . What will the future of human ingenuity bring? As I sat eating my oatmeal with banana, I remembered my Shakespeare: “The fault, dear Brutus, lies not in the stars but in ourselves.”