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  • James P. Smith "parker689" - 2012 What Color is Your ParachuteThis 40th. Edition is Essential for someone in their 20's and in their 50's. The selection of pink pages and white pages is an added bonus for search value. I bought a version of this book in 1981, read the 2010 and 2011 version from the Saguaro Phoenix Public Library. Because I wanted to underline / make my own margin notes I purchased the 2012 Edition. I just started a new job, in a new field, two months after purchasing the 2012 version but I will keep reading this version to the end, probably more than once. We always reinvent ourselves during out career, therfore, this Annual Book is a great way of staying up to date especially in this economy. Thanks. And, kudos to Amazon.com for getting the product to me one day early. Jim.
  • Wulfstan "wulfstan" - Uncle Wulfy, can I play with your iPad?Ooh, a tough question. Even tougher is "Can I have a tablet of my own?". Younger kids (this is designed for early grade school) can be really tough on electronics, and there are places on the Web you don't want them going. This handy little device is the perfect solution. True, it mostly plays games, but that's what they wanna do anyway. It also has a decent camera.

    This does need a little adult supervision to download apps from your home computer, but after that, you can hand off the device to the kids with hardly a worry. It's tough, and Disney safe. It does make learning fun.

    Do get some of those peel off screen protectors and LOTS of batteries. LOTS.
  • Karen S. Robertson - Performed as advertised.--naysayers can weep.My Nutri Bullet does everything anyone said it would. I've used it daily for 4 months as part of a low carb, Wheat Belly nutrition plan. I never fill it above the "fill line" and have never experienced any problems with my unit. Don't overfill it and do screw the lid on tight! We travel frequently, and it's the first thing I pack. You won't believe how it cuts up flax seeds, carrots, big nuts, ice, etc. I'm loosing weight and would be losing more if I weren't drinking wine--one thing Nutri Bullet can't cut!
  • Purple Biker - I have been wanting to order this book for a few weeks now!This book is the 3rd in a serries and is an excellent book! You really need to read the first 2 books in order to understand this one, but the whole series is a hard to put the book down type, intense, adventure & romance along with time-travel! A historical novel that takes starts in Scotland 1942 & Scotland 1742, read the series to find out more! :)
  • Speedy D - It works. Wife says Thanks, Dr. KatzSince I can't smell my own breath, my wife will tell me "Hey, we need to get some more Dr. Katz for you." This stuff is amazing and after using it for a day or two, my wife notices a huge difference.

    I think the problem for me is the back of my throat, so I gargle it for 10-15 seconds twice a day. Sometimes after gargling I have a weird taste in my mouth, but I chalk it up to the rinse killing all those silly germs. After using it for several days the weird taste diminishes and it starts to feel like you just left the dentist. This rinse doesn't burn and it has a slight minty taste. I'd use this over Listerine any day.

    Don't forget to brush your teeth and floss.