
Estelle-35ED medication for freedom from unwanted pregnancy and skin irritations from Douglas Pharmacuticals - Estelle 35 ED medication for the treatment of acne zits spots pimples from Douglas Pharacuticals

Country: Oceania, NZ, New Zealand

City: Auckland, Auckland

  • Essemmdee - H & R Tax Cut Deluxe + StateI have used this program since it was offered as Kiplinger's Tax Cut Deluxe. Very easy to fill out your own taxes. All that is required of you is to keep accurate records during the year, as you would to take to a tax preparer in person. Just fill in the blanks as the program asks you question about income and any expenses you have during the year. Amazon offered the program at approximately 60% of the price the mega chains (Walmart, Staples, Office Depot, etc.) carried it for.
  • Judyann G. Rowton "venus1995" - Breaking the vicious cycleAnyone who has ulcerated colitis really needs to get this book and try the diet because it does work. The natural way is always the best way if you can do it for there is no side=effects like you get from medication or operations.
  • E. Tobias "Safety_Queen" - don't read at bedtimeThis is a coherent and articulate explanation of how different industries have manipulated science and reality to suit their own purposes. I could only get through one chapter at a time. More than that was just too god-awfully depressing & made me want to beat my head on the wall.

    Combined with other books such as Damned Lies and Statistics: Untangling Numbers from the Media, Politicians, and Activists, this should provide the occupational health professional as well as the general public with a way to step back and assess the latest round of "it's not bad for you because we say so". It's really difficult to get workers to believe there is a hazard when they are bombarded by so much confusing "expert information".

    As an Industrial Hygienist, I've worked in places where corporations cared a great deal and also where it wasn't a big concern. I ran into this Doubt Methodology & wish I'd read something like this earlier.

    The problem I encountered is that Doubt can be used as a political tool on either side of the corporate wall. Sure, an immoral group can spend zillions of dollars proving their nasty product is good. Equally, an ignorant/immoral group can spend zillions of dollars accusing a good product of being bad. On either side, it's a tool. An interesting chapter would be an assessment of something like this - where a politically motivated public interest group took on a corporation and the corporation was right.**

    This is great - anything which gets the public to question/think about "facts" they are presented is a good thing.

    **I just loaned the book to someone and haven't finished it; there might be such.