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  • John Coltrane - Tummy alignmentI started taking align at the recommendation of a G.I. doctor. I definitely think this has reduced/stopped my acid reflux/indigestion problems. I have been taking it for probably a couple year. I can definitely feel a difference if I forget to take if for a couple of days. I would recommend this to anyone with digestive problems. Of course, Amazon has the cheapest prices I could find.
  • KenzieB - An Amazing Historical View"On my twelfth birthday, my father discovered that I could read."
    The prophet Nehemiah's cousin can speak numerous languages, keep complex accounts, write on rolls of parchment and tablets of clay, and solve great mysteries. There is only one problem: she is a woman.
    In her early childhood years, Sarah experienced the death of her mother and her father's subsequent emotional distance and she came to two conclusions: that God does not care about her, and that her accomplishments are the measure of her worth - the measure of her self.
    Sarah, the talented scribe and cousin to Nehemiah, is catapulted into the center of the Persian court, working too many hours, rubbing elbows with royalty, and solving intrigues for the Queen. Ironically, it isn't failure but success that causes Sarah to lose her only source of external validation.Sarah soon learns that she has something of worth to offer beyond her ability with languages and sums - her very being proves to be a blessing to others.

    **Slight Spoilers**
    It was easy to relate to Sarah. All she ever wanted was approval, but she never received it unless she did something reading, writing, or spying. I've always been loved not because of what I have done, but because of who I was, so it would be hard to be in Sarah's shoes.. Throughout this book, Sarah comes to realize that she is indeed loved and wanted by someone, whose approval is really the only one that matters.
    Many times, Sarah did some idiotic things and she always had to pay a severe price, whether the pain was physical or emotional. Her dense decisions put pressure on her relationships...even her own marriage. But despite her failure, I found myself quietly rooting for her, even after her embarrassing mistakes (like her wedding day)!
    Sarah's husband was totally opposite. I had mixed-emotions concerning him. Several times over, I found myself yelling at him, "You're delusional, man!" Yet at times, I found myself "falling in love" with him right along side Sarah. Next scene, I'd be angry with him. By the end, Sarah's husband finally won me over even when he was still doubtful of Sarah's character. I liked that he always kept me guessing.
    The story line was unique, fast-paced, enchanting, and caused some apprehension on my part. Constantly, a new sub-plot unfolded and captured my attention. Three times in the book, Sarah begins to search her heart and I found myself skimming those pages.
    At the end, the author doesn't resolve everything, which irked me until I saw that another book was indeed going to be coming out, finishing Sarah's story and beginning Nehemiah's. So, I'll just have to buckle down and wait for that to come out.
    Tessa Afshar is a master storyteller. I will be on the look-out for more of her books.

    Recommended for ages 14 and up.

    4.5 Stars

    I received this book free from the publisher through the Moody Publishers blogger review program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.
  • Connie Debs - The BEST gift I've ever received!My husband got the AeroGrow for me for Christmas. Honestly, I was happy to receive it but unsure if it would live up to the hype. Right now I have fresh Italian basil and fresh purple basil, as well as parsley, mint, chives and dill growing right on my counter! It tells me when to water and nourish it, it turns the light on and off... all I have to do is harvest the herbs. We LOVE this product. A few minutes ago I walked by and pinched off a basil leaf and ate it with a big smile on my face. The herbs are there when I need them; there's no running off to the store or herbs going bad in the fridge because we couldn't use them right away. It's an incentive to be a more imaginative cook. "Hmm, what else can I make with basil?" Or dill, or mint or chives? Next time I think I will try the lettuce mix...

    I've received some nice gifts from my imaginative husband but this one gives me joy every single day, sitting right there on my counter.