Haam.us Review:

medical devices, equipment & supplies - medical diagnostic equipment parts & monitoring devices accessories


Country: North America, US, United States

City: 94107 San Francisco, California

  • Jennifer S. Szaro "PV wizard" - Easy to use and sturdyWe purchased this for our 5 month old son. He's a little big for his age at around 18 lbs, but he fit well in the seat and really seemed to enjoy being at the table with the rest of the family. The chair fastens easily to the table and seems very sturdy. My husband kept a chair underneath it for the first week or so because he didn't trust it at first, but it never budged. This is perfect if you don't want to use up space with a high chair and is really great for restaurants. He is our third son, so trying to get a table for 5 can be a challenge sometimes and this allows us to fit easily into a table of 4. The material seems to wipe off somewhat easily, but I strongly recommend using a mat with it and a large bib to cover the front. The legs fold easily under to make it less cumbersome to carry around with you. Fits under our stroller.
  • Splash - This is awesomeI just bought this tablet and I'm very happy with it. It does everything I want it to do. I did a LOT of research before choosing it, and chose it over the iPad because it's Android and because it offers Flash and most of all, with the keyboard, USB ports. I'm going to be traveling with this and have loaded lots of movies, music, books, and docs onto a USB flash drive, so I don't have to rely on WiFi. I got the 64 GB because it was basically the same price as the more popular 32 GB that was hard to find. I know they are going to replace this one soon, but I needed something NOW and couldn't wait. I'm super happy with it so far. I didn't want to pay more than retail for the keyboard, so had to buy that elsewhere (Best Buy). Am disappointed that others are trying to take advantage of people by charging up to $100 more than retail.
  • avid reader - Christmas Barbie is one of the Prettiest Ever!I belong to a doll club and this doll was shown before Christmas by another member and I just loved her. I had purchased a few of the Holiday Barbies over the years, but this was by far the prettiest one (in my opinion). I waited, hoping someone would give me this doll for Christmas, but it was not to be. I was going to order her after Christmas but she was too high priced, but later Amazon had her on sale, and since I had got an Amazon gift card for Christmas I got her, and I was so happy with her!!! A truly beautiful doll!!
  • B Strong - I laughed and criedBilly Crystal is a genius. He's funny, he can act, and he's a great baseball player...who knew???!!!
    I loved this book! I read it in two days (mostly because I kept putting it down because I didn't want it to end) I love Billy Crystal the comedian, the actor, director, (the list goes on) but I also love the man.