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Country: Europe, IT, Italy

  • Perboir Moreira Filho "music lover" - Rush hour, Rush time, Rush era!The meaning of "power trio" is this: RUSH. A long time ago, some decades to be precise, I discovered this band. How could only three skinny guys from Canada play so loud? As mentioned by Jack Black in the documentary "Rush: Beyond The Lighted Stage" released in 2010, the opening track of that first album is a killer song. And I agree. As for this concert, which I had the chance to experience when they came to Sao Paulo, Brazil, it is espectacular! Professionalism taken to the extreme level, with a generous amount of light and sound! Experience the RUSH hour. Better, make it almost three hours and be delighted. This DVD is a must buy.
  • Purrdystarr - Lives up to its Claim =)Ive used this and the kutting weight Suit together along with 2 all natural pills here on Amazon called acai Berry #3,Hoodia, And ive lost 9 lbs in 2 weeks.Along with just drinking water and tea and exercise on treadmill,And eat healthy.This jar works.Only weird thing is it kinda smells like Raid ant N Roach spray.But Sweat is intense n WORKS!
  • M. Childers "genuine book worm" - Great new author.I loved this book. I read so much that finding new fresh authors is exciting. I had looked at this book several times without purchasing it because honestly the back cover blurb just didn't sound interesting. I finally picked it up on a "whim", and glad I did.

    Ths book had a strong story line which will translate well into sequels. The premise of the Psy, changelings and humans co-mingling and their society was intriging and Ms Singh did well capturing the mood of the society. Strong alpha male hero...I love a good alpha male who isn't tooo dominating and Lucas is both. Female lead is also strong, Sascha has a few "weak woman" moments but they are integral to the story line and flow well. Their relationship had just the right mixture of relationship building, sex and believeability.

    I really liked the cast of supporting characters and look forward to reading about Dorian, Vaughn, Kit, Rina, and yummy Hawke.

    I am a die-hard series fan and hope that Ms Singh will be writing several more books in the Psy world.
  • delicateflower152 - An Absolute Gem of A Novel!!!What a delightful read - the story is timeless, the characters well-developed, and the writing is exquisite. Don't let the fact that this novel is a story of India and caste customs deter you. The story is, in fact, one without borders or nationality, one of universal struggle and triumph. It is one of harsh reality, family love, loyalty, and the growth of individuals.

    It sets out the life of the heroine and her family, her development as a strong individual who must function within her society, but must also circumvent customs, while using societally acceptable means, to ensure the survival of her family. The characters are well-drawn, sympathetic or contemptable, as the author may desire us to picture them. The author's skill with words is evidenced by the reader becoming personally enmeshed in the characters' lives. As you progress through the novel, you will find your emotions moved to anger, joy, or grief - depending on the scene and the character involved.

    The writing is outstanding - wonderfully drawn word-portraits, excellent prose, and colorful imagery. It surely is a shame that American novelists no longer produce works of this magnitude and scope. You will not be disappointed if you purchase this book. Personally, I'm looking forward to more works from this author.