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Country: Europe, GB, United Kingdom

City: Chester-le-Street, Durham

  • Grace Short - Love my Kindle!I received the Kindle from my Mother-in-Law as a gift for Christmas. I plugged it in to charge and read the instruction manual that came with it while I waited. Once my account was set up through everything was easy. With in the first hour of opening the Kindle I had downloaded a book and 5 other first chapters of books. It's light and easy to use. You don't even have to hold the Kindle, you can just rest it in your lap and then push a button to flip pages.

    Kindle also offers recommendations in case you run out of ideas for things to read like I always do. Kindle gives you the ability to search endlessly for new books that don't take up as much space as your old ones.

    The only thing I haven't been able to do is to let my Kindle know what books I've already read. This would be helpful to me so I could stop receiving some of them as recommended books. It also took me a few chapters of reading before I was used to using it and not hitting "next page" or "prev page" on accident, usually in the middle of a sentence.

    I love my new Kindle and recommend it as a gift to anyone that is an avid reader. You won't be dissapointed. By the time you finish your first Kindle book, you'll be a Kindle expert.
  • Cathy Melton - It Works for MeI was skeptical. I've tried many things. I ordered one bottle and took as directed. I was surprised. Typically, nothing works. No appetite suppressant, even the side effects of prescription meds, don't work for me. This did. I have re-ordered and will continue to use.
  • TeenWolf - Wolf Shirt GUARANTEES promotionBefore I knew this amazing shirt existed, I was toiling in a world as a mere cog in an impossibly big wheel. But then I had a vision. The vision came to me while I was shopping for the extra large value pack of fruit roll ups at my local Costco. There I was between the 40Oz tub of peanut butter and the Lord of the Rings black light posters when there, in aisle 12, a luminous glow caught my eye, and more importantly, my imagination. The hairs on my scrotum stood on end, at attention, as the sheer power of the three wolf moon t shirt called to me. As soon as I tried it on, I noticed women maneuvering their giant Costco carts towards me, drawn by the pheromones I was obviously now exuding.

    When I went back to the cashier clubhouse, within moments my manager approached me and offered me the head cashier position. She also grazed an index finger under my chin and winked, asking if I would visit her later in her 'private' office to discuss my promotion over a bottle of mountain dew and a box of cheez its.

    I'm too much of a gentleman to let on what happened next but, rest assured, all I want to say is, thank you Three Wolf Moon T Shirt. Thank you.