
Home | University of Mississippi Medical Center - The University of Mississippi Medical Center, located in Jackson, is an academic medical center engaged in health professions education, research and the provision of comprehensive health-care services.

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City: 39216 Jackson, Mississippi

  • Dee McNa - Amazing stuff!I am a TV product skeptic and don't buy the stuff. However, I bought a used car that was in phenomenal shape except for the very badly oxidized headlights; totally cloudy. Read a ton of reviews and bought it. It is amazing! Super easy to use and my headlights now look brand new! I was so impressed with the stuff that I did the plastic trim everywhere outside the car and am going to do the inside of the car next. There is a TON of product left to do that with as a little goes an enormously long way. Small bottle yes, but it's all you need. I don't know why people automatically discount it because the bottle is small. Applicator cloths are good sized (the headlight one could actually be smaller and be better). Use it the way the directions state and you will have plenty to do your car. I took before and after pics, not altered or photoshopped in any way, posted them on FB and my friends are suitably impressed!
  • suzq - better health in a boxEver since I started taking Align a year ago, I have had no problems with my digestive tract. Thanks to my doctor who suggested a pro-biotic. It has changed my life.
  • David Wilkinson "David" - Joao/"A Kid": Please stop posting your inane, redundant reviewsOkay, we get it, you don't like the album. There's no need to post such endless amounts of incoherent babble attempting to state as much. Your words are, to term a phrase you used to describe this amazing album: "the sickening results of egocentrism." Seriously. If you really are a kid, go out and play and stop spending so much time on the internet trying to annoy people. Go bug classmates at your nursery school, or better yet, grow up and get a life. Thank you.
  • BIC Cristal For Her Ball Pen, - My husband has a vagina now!So I bought these pens because as a woman I am naturally attracted to bright shiny things and items that say "for her" on the package. I accidentally left one out on the kitchen counter (because that's the only room in the house I'm comfortable in) and my husband took it to write down man things. Well after only 2 days of him using my pen We were shocked to find that his man parts were gone and he now has a vagina in it's place! He is showing some very odd symptoms like, he wants to go antiquing, panics when we are out of cappuccino and has started painting the exterior of the house pink! Our doctor has insisted he stop using the pen but my husband insists on using it to write his memoir on shiny sparkle paper with unicorn trim. Has anyone else had this problem?