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  • Lizitta40 - Really a good storyI agree with others reviewers, the story is consistent and the thing that I really appreciate is that the characters are not hiding their feelings nor using twisted arguments for their behavior, they say what they think to the person who has to know it, not making intrincated plots to let the narration go along. So, in that way the story is credible and passionate, Mia is a well planted young adult that makes Gabe fall in love letting him heal all the wounds he had because of his failed marriage. On the other side, he lets her open to a whole new world that includes facing an adult life with a loving man at her side and a job that enhanced her abilities . The best of all is that the story begins and end in one book, that' s amazing because the trilogies, though exciting, find me carving so much for the next book and that's hard to survive, don't you think so?
    The last thing I want to comment is the one other reviewer pointed, Ms. Banks really has a wide language knowledge, that I appreciate so much being a foreigner reader who also want to improve her language by reading, that's really great and very wellcome.
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